Recipes from the Kitchen of:
About Me
I'm Nicole, and this is my kitchen
I’ve had an interest in cooking for as long as I can remember, and my family had a LOT to do with that. I have a rather large family and grew up hearing stories about all of them- things they did, stories and jokes they told, places they worked, etc. Unfortunately, I never got to know some of these people personally; they passed away long before I was even born, so I have always looked for similarities and interests that might help me to feel closer to them.
While some feel connected through family trees and story-telling, I’ve found that many of my most meaningful connections to culture, family, and history are experienced through food. For those who know me well, this will not come as a surprise.
Recipes are an excellent way to know those who came before us. Whether they are written on scraps of paper, the back of an envelope, or carefully printed on decorative recipe cards, saved recipes are people saying ‘I love this!’ ‘This is something I enjoy!’ ‘This is what I made for those I loved!’ Even how they were kept can tell you so much. Personally, I always look for the recipe cards that have so much chocolate on them, you can barely read the ingredients. Those are always the recipes worth making!
I have been very fortunate in my life to be surrounded by many cooks and well-loved recipes (each as unique as its owner), and it was impressed upon me at a young age that the preservation of these recipes would be important as I got older. That importance has become crystal clear through the years, so I have made it a priority to collect as many as possible, and also add some myself. One hope I have for this blog is that it will serve as a sort of archive for these sentimental recipes, for me and for other members of my family that might wish to access them.

My hope for you, dear reader, is that you will see these recipes and stories through my eyes because cooking is magic. I have never felt alone in the kitchen. I always feel my many aunts, grandmothers, and great grandmothers guiding my hands as I stir my pot and the smell takes me to a place where I can, even for a little while, seemingly step through time to join them in the kitchen.
I hope you’ll follow me, and maybe help me, as I attempt to open new doors and explore the culinary history of my family, both known and unknown, while celebrating all things food.
What you'll find here
Vintage Recipes
I have collected vintage recipes from both sides of my family, and have done research into the source of each recipe. Those sources will be indicated if they are known. Many of these recipes are from earlier than 1970, but they will be labeled as vintage if they are known to be from1980 or before.
The sharing of recipes is just another way we share history and culture through time. Because of this, I believe historical context is important and should be noted where possible. Some recipes may seem unusual, but all are an authentic product of their time and place, so it is important to understand the context surrounding them.
My Recipes
I love cooking, but there's a LOT I still don't know! When I figure things out, though, I like to write it down and create my own recipes with what I've learned. These are the meals and recipes I feed my own family, and I am happy to be able to share them with you. I hope you enjoy!